Deposit audit
Surveys of quarry stone deposits in the open cast mine of Hosťovce, Slovakia
- Surveying in the open cast mine of Hosťovce to calculate and verify the cubic yardage of quarry stone deposits in fractions 0/2, 0/4, 0/22, 0/32, 0/63, 4/8, 8/11, 8/16, 8/32, and 10/32, based on the provision of the calculation coefficients (apparent densities) of the individual stone fractions for the tonnage specification of separate depositories
- Text analysis and diagrams

- Aerial photography with GSD=0.02m to specify the amounts of quarry stone deposits in the open cast mine, data collected using a TOPCON Sirius Pro uncrewed aerial vehicle
- Photogrammetric project – a block of aerial images relatively adjusted during data processing, subsequently, ground control points set in the individual photos, bundle block adjustment, and the creation of a 3D digital surface model (Digital Surface Model – DSM) in the form of a TIN polygon network using a digital image correlation method
- Cubic yardage of stone deposits calculated based on the individual depositories' digital surface model and base planes.
- Technical report
- Cubic yardage of deposits
- Graphical representation of the mine deposits